Monday 23 November 2015

5 Things To Talk About During Your Interview

A job interview can be a stressful event. You're trying to remember what to talk about, and how to make sure the interviewer knows you're perfect for the job. What should you remember to mention?

Here are some tips.

Your Skills:
Re-read your resume so all skills are fresh in your mind. Put an emphasis on the skill requirements of the interviewer and make sure they know you are capable of doing what is required. Some employers won't read the specifics of a resume, or will have missed or forgotten about it. Stressing your skills will help them remember why you should be hired.

Your Flexibility:
If you're flexible, let them know. If you can work late, can do overtime, or can work weekends or travel if you need to, tell them. Don't appear too eager because they may not have any need for you to work extra hours. But by letting them know of your availability, you present yourself as an attractive candidate.

Your Attitude:
Projecting a positive and professional attitude will leave a happy memory in the minds of your interviewers. A can-do approach to work is always welcomed by employers. Give yourself a pep-talk before you go in and tell them that you're a hard worker, you're cheery, and you'd enjoy working for them.

Your Willingness to Learn:
Since most jobs evolve over time, you want to showcase your willingness to learn new skills. Make sure you tell them about programs or tools you've learned and retained in your past jobs. They'll likely be impressed by your willingness to adapt and to learn new things. It shows a strong work ethic and talent.

Your Interviewer's Needs:
If you've got the skills they're looking for, tell them. If you fulfil the requirements of the job ad, make sure you stress how you fulfil them. Make sure your interviewer's needs and requirements are met. They want to know that the person they hire will be a perfect fit and will have everything it takes to do the job. By stress your skills and how you fulfil their particular needs, you're telling
them to hire you.

It's important to bring
forth some of your best qualities at a job interview.
   Your skills, your flexibility, and your ability and willingness to learn new things are usually key requirements in an interviewer's list of needs. By fulfilling these needs and telling them how you can do the job, you are projecting your capacity to do the job.

Source: Samson Bintex

Necessary legal consideration when buying property

Necessary legal consideration when
buying property

DUE to the highly complex nature of legal
framework in real estate in Nigeria, it is very
difficult to buy property without a horde of
“experts” attempting to sway you with their
advice. In Lagos state, in particular, the steps
taken when purchasing property depends on
whether you are buying empty land, an
uncompleted building or a completed building,
according to RE/MAX, a leading global real
estate franchise company. The firm here offers
some advice on legal matters to consider when
buying property in the country.

Empty land
On the purchase of land, the company’s advice
is twofold – Registered Title and Unregistered
title. Under Registered title, you have at least
two options: Registration after a private transfer
i.e. in the instance of a sublease, deed of
assignment, etc.; Registration by virtue of a
direct allocation by the Government i.e.
In the case of sublease or a Certificate of
Occupancy (C of O). Under Unregistered title –
There are about six options: Sale by a private
person who purchased from a registered owner
but has himself not registered his title; Sale by
a private person who purchased from an
unregistered owner and had not registered his/
her title; Sale by the Omo Oniles (Landowners)
who have the title of a land that has been
allocated to them by the government via
Gazette or C of O, but have not processed their
C of O;
Sale by the Omo Onile- who are selling land not
yet allocated to them under the circumstances
mentioned above. The land has not been
excised and is still technically under
government acquisition; Sale by the Omo Onile
under acquisition but not under commitment
and; Sale by the Omo Onile of land under
acquisition and which has also been committed.
Land covered by C of O
To purchase a land covered by a Certificate of
Occupancy or other registered titles, you must
undertake the following steps: Sight the original
registered document; Conduct a search at the
relevant lands registry to ascertain if it is the
allottee who is disposing of the property, how
many years are outstanding on the life of the
property (out of the 99 years usual life span), if
the property is encumbered i.e. mortgage, prior
sale, long lease, outstanding taxes or rents, or
If your lawyer is satisfied with the search and
physical inspection of the Land conforms to the
details on the title documents, and then it is
time to draw up legal documentation of
exchange of the title and payments. Upon this
exchange, it is important that your title is
registered at the relevant lands registry.
Among the documents for exchange, evidence
that no tax encumbrances exists over the land
must be presented. Clearance from the
government agencies that all land charges and
other demands have been made is also
essential. If there are building plan approvals
and land/soil tests, the results must also be
handed over at final exchange.
Prior to the exchange, and if you have not done
so yet, a physical visit to the land is very
important. Once an exchange has been made
and payment for the original titles, conveying
documents and documents listed above are
completed, then you should immediately take
over physical possession of the land/property
purchased. The law says that possession is 90
percent of ownership. The next step is to
register your title or interest over the property
at the appropriate land registry.

Registered land
When you are offered a land by a person who
has bought and has registered his/her title, you
are to sight the original registered documents,
which in that case, will comprise of a Deed of
Assignment, sublease etc. Conduct a search at
the lands registry at which the said land was
registered. Take all the steps relating to the
purchase of land covered by a C of O.
In addition to the above, and most importantly,
you should get the survey plan attached to the
Deed of Assignment, subjected to a chart. The
technical reasons for this can only be revealed
on a more detailed consultancy.

 vanguard news

Ten Facts About The Late Abubakar Audu that Nigeria will remember about him

The All Progressives Congress (APC)
candidate in the Kogi state governorship
election, Prince Abubakar Audu, was one of
the main players in the upcoming election
scheduled for Saturday, November 21. Sadly,
just as the news started to trickle in of his
victory, Nigerians were shocked to hear that
Audu has passed away.

 Below are the top-ten facts about Abubakar
Audu that Nigeria will remember about him.

1. Prince Abubakar Audu, 68, had been the
governor of Kogi state twice. His first tenure
was from January 1992 until November 1998
and the second from 29 May 1999 to 29 May
2. Born on 27 October 1947, Prince Audu
was the son of his Royal Highness, the late
Pa Audu Oyidi, Orego Atta of Igala Land and
the paramount ruler of Ogbonicha-Alloma in
Ofu Local Government Area of Kogi state.
3. He studied banking and personnel
management in London for three years and
worked for 25 years in various capacities at
management level at First Bank – formerly
known and Standard Bank.
4. After Kogi state was created from parts of
the old Benue and Kwara states in 1991,
Audu as a notable son of the soil was invited
to contest for governorship. He won the
election in November 1991 under the
platform of the National Republican
Convention (NRC) and was sworn in in
Jenuary 1992.
5. In 1998, Audu was elected again, now with
the All Nigeria People’s Party (ANPP).
6. He also contested in the 2003, 2007 and
2012 Kogi state gubernatorial elections but
7. After he left office in 2003, he was
charged by the Economic and Financial
Crimes Commission (EFCC) with corruption.
His case has been on for 12 years.
8. One of his major achievements is a
complete transformation of Lokoja
infrastructure: he established three different
housing schemes for public
officers, established television and radio
stations, pioneered the construction an ultra
modern stadium and a five star hotel, apart
from other things.
9. In 1993, he and the member of his family
were special guests of the British Prime
Minister, John Major, at No 10, Downing
Street where he hosted them to a State
10. Audu has promised the people of the
state that he will revive the moribund
Ajaokuta Steel Rolling company and solve
the problem of youth unemployment if he
wins the election.
The main rival of Prince Audu in the
upcoming governorship election was Kogi
is Captain Idris Ichalla Wada, the incumbent
governor representing the PDP. A total
of 22 candidates were registered by the
Independent National Electoral Commission.

Source: Naij

Friday 20 November 2015

How to recharge phone from your bank account. (All banks)

How to recharge phone from your bank account.
(All banks)

1.Access bank:*901* amount#
2.Eco Bank*326*amount#
5.First Bank:*894*amount#
7.Heritage bank:*322*030*amount#
9.Sky bank:*389*076*1*amount#
10.Stanbic IBTC: *909*amount#
13.Unity bank:*322*215*amount#
14.Zenith:*966*amount# or *302*amnt# (for
15.Diamond bank(yellow acct. only):*710*555*
phone no*amount*pin#
To know your BVN, dial *565*0# on the GSM
line you used in registering at the bank for the
BVN registration and wait for few seconds, your
BVN will appear.
You can share the info with friends and loved
ones, so they'll know too...

Thursday 19 November 2015

#BringBackOurSoldiers: Nigerians Grieve as 105 Soldiers go Missing after Boko Haram Battle in Borno 19.11.2015

Premium Times exclusively reported this morning that 105 out of a 157 soldier battalion attached to the Multi-National Joint Task Force based in Baga, Borno state, went missing yesterday – on Wednesday November 18, 2015 – in Gudunbali, Borno.

According to the paper, a T-72 battle tank, 105 soldiers, two officers, (including the CO – commanding officer), eight vehicles, a truck loaded with 60,000 rounds of AA ammunition and three artillery pieces were captured by Boko Haram. Another of their sources claims the tank was recovered after heavy fighting.

The source also said the military has been unable to rid insurgents from Baga and nearby towns in Borno due to inadequate equipment.

Premium Times reached out to Colonel Sani Usman, the spokesperson for the Nigerian Army for comment via telephone and he said the military is now organizing a counter-attack –

    “I want to confirm the incidence at Gudunbali … the unit attacked is within the area of responsibility of the MNJTF and troops are now organising to counter the attack.”

As a result of the attack, #BringBackOurSoldiers is now trending on Twitter, with Nigerians expressing their fear of the rising level of insecurity in the country and discontent with President Buhari.

    My younger bro’s dream is to be a soldier, I don’t think my family will support his dream now. #105HerosMissing #BringBackOurSoldiers

    — ORE (@trojcity) November 19, 2015

    Buhari should rather be Minister of Defence, not Petroleum. Our greatest problem now is INSECURITY, not crude oil. #BringBackOurSoldiers — Lere Olayinka (@OlayinkaLere) November 19, 2015

    APC and PMB now learning the hard way. It is not good to use sad news to win political points. #BringBackOurSoldiers — The David (@klinRo) November 19, 2015

    Another reason PMB should resign from Ministry of Petroleum and take over Ministry of Defense esp as a former General #BringBackOurSoldiers — Sitippe Ke AkwaIbom (@sitipe01) November 19, 2015

    Don’t be surprised one morning wen u wake up the next news is ‘some states in the north re missing in the map’  #BringBackOurSoldiers

    — AbdulCHRYSTIAN (@iam_Chrystian) November 19, 2015

    The Abduction of Armed Soldiers is the highest display of incompetence by a Commander-in-Chief anywhere in the world #BringBackOurSoldiers — #PrayForKano (@Tomyboiz) November 19, 2015

Source: Premium Times 1 & 2